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Mondays in October - by Sheree K Nielsen (Paperback)

Mondays in October - by  Sheree K Nielsen (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 22.49 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>Sheree K. Nielsen's collection of poems and photographs show her unmistakable love for the beach.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>Soulful as a cricket's song serenading a marsh at sunset, two lovers dancing the tango in the sand, or the wind's harmonies causing waves to lap to shore, Sheree K. Nielsen's collection of poems and photographs, Mondays in October, suggests easy movements in nature, and a time for us to slow down--like autumn--and imagine a simpler life. Mondays in October embraces Sheree's unmistakable love songs for the beach, and her eternal companion--water--and the vulnerable, blissful, sensual rhythms connecting them. <strong>Received 1st Place in the FINE ART / PHOTOGRAPHY Category & 1st Place in the POETRY Category & Honorable Mention in the COFFEE TABLE / GIFT Category in the 2019 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards.</strong></p><p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br><p>"I admire the spare wistfulness of these poems. In them, you can find the sensual free rhythms of the sea, a slice or two of summer, a bit of happy, and two blissful, romping dogs. But you can also find the searching soul of a woman. There's bittersweet in these poems, but isn't that what you would expect from <em>Mondays in October</em> when our days begin to shorten and cool and we are filled with longing. These poems are love songs for the beach. They have the simplicity that we all want in a love song. They have melody and smile, wonder and ache. They make us want to be there in these beachy moments with Sheree and sing along with her."<br /> -- Sandy Gingras, author of many gift books including <em>Walks on the Beach, Lessons of a Turtle</em>, and <em>How to Live in Flip Flops</em></p><p> </p><p>"When I can't go to the beach, I open <em>Mondays in October</em> to surround myself with memories of the sea. Sheree's poems awaken my consciousness to the rhythm and melancholy of life there. She blends emotion and color through the lens of a photographer and writer's pen to capture the delight and desire of a soul refreshed and mystified. Her poems are like quiet meditations that distance us from the problems of the day, and remind us to pay attention to our internal lives, accessed through her words and photos. Sheree's characters, actions, and feelings stay with us like the permanence of the sea to make us smile, reflect, or cry. You won't soon forget the beauty of this book."<br /> -- Mary Horner, professor of communications. St. Charles Community College; content writer for WOW!; freelance editor; and poet (<em>Sweetgum Notes, Kansas City Voices, Folly Beach Dances</em>)</p><br>

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