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Roton Point - (Postcard History) by Roton Point History Committee (Paperback)

Roton Point - (Postcard History) by  Roton Point History Committee (Paperback)
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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>From the 1870s through 1941, Roton Point Park was one of the preeminent attractions along the shores of Long Island Sound. From its shady picnic grove overlooking the water to its sandy beaches, hotel, dance floor, carousel, roller coaster, and midway rides, Roton Point attracted thousands of visitors each season. Damage from the 1938 hurricane and the start of World War II led to the parks closing in 1941, and Roton Point was divided into two private beach clubs and a public beach. Some of the old buildings remain, including the bathhouse, hotel, and gazebo at Roton Point, and the roller-coaster entry at Bayley Beach.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>From the 1870s through 1941, Roton Point Park was one of the preeminent attractions along the shores of Long Island Sound. From its shady picnic grove overlooking the water to its sandy beaches, hotel, dance floor, carousel, roller coaster, and midway rides, Roton Point attracted thousands of visitors each season. Damage from the 1938 hurricane and the start of World War II led to the park's closing in 1941, and Roton Point was divided into two private beach clubs and a public beach. Some of the old buildings remain, including the bathhouse, hotel, and gazebo at Roton Point, and the roller-coaster entry at Bayley Beach.<p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br>Title: Book keeps memories of Roton Point Park alive <p/>Author: Leslie Lake <p/>Publisher: Wilton Villager <p/>Date: 7/5/2011 <p/><br>The bathhouse and gazebo at Roton Point and the roller coaster entryway at Bayley Beach in Rowayton are the few remaining clues that give evidence to the bustling amusement area known as Roton Point Park that attracted thousands of visitors from New York and Connecticut from the 1870s to 1941. To help keep those memories alive, the Roton Point History Committee has gathered postcards that tell the story and has compiled a book, "Roton Point," part of the Arcadia Publishing Postcard History Series. <p/><br>The book contains hundreds of postcards showing such images as beachgoers in rented wool bathing suits, wooden roller coasters, carousels, and the Belle Island steamboat. The postcards come from lifelong Rowayton resident Lisa Wilson Grant's collection and private collections of two Rowayton families, the Robinsons and Simmonses. <p/><br>Lisa Wilson Grant is chairman of the Roton Point History Committee. She said she enjoys solving historical mysteries. "Over the years I've collected these old post cards," she said. "I've been keeping a timeline of tidbits of information. Two years ago we made the book proposal to Arcadia. It's been fun to dig up information about the Coney Island Carver carousel horses, and old articles about Roton Point Park." <p/><br>The images, captions and chapter introductions tell the story of an attraction that, in its heyday, brought visitors from New York, New Jersey and throughout Connecticut until damage from the 1938 hurricane and start of World War II in 1941 led to the park's closing. <p/><br>Local visitors came by trolley. The trolley company leased the park, and it was the final destination on the line. Visitors from New York came by steamship at a cost of $1.25. <p/><br>The photos give readers a glimpse into nostalgic images such as parasol-carrying beachgoers in long dresses and men in knee-length wool bathing suits. The carnival atmosphere included a carousel, and concessions that included a shooting gallery, skeeball, a penny arcade, bumper cars and, in a nod to current events at the time, the Kill the Kaiser game during World War I. <p/><br>The committee consists of Wilson Grant and three other members, each of whom brought their unique backgrounds and strengths to the project of compiling the book. <p/><br>Cam Hutchins has lived in Roton Point since 1965. A professional copywriter who holds an masters degree in communications wrote the introduction and chapter start pages. <p/><br>Mary Ellen Pastore, an accountant by profession, is also a juried member of the Rowayton Arts Center and has won awards for her pottery and sculpture. Raised in South Norwalk, she spent childhood summers at Roton Point Beach Club. She did much of the historical research involved in putting the book together. <p/><br>"Mary Ellen and I did the scanning of the post cards," said Wilson Grant. <p/><br>Pat Atkin runs Atkin & Company, a boat plan company started in 1906 by her father-in-law. "Pam brings the perspective of a long-time Rowayton resident to the project," Wilson Grant said. " She's familiar with the history."<br><br>Title: History of Roton Point Told Through Postcards<br>Publisher: Arcadia Publishing<br>Date:6/6/2011 <p/>The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing's Postcard History series is Roton Point from the Roton Point History Committee. The book boasts more than 200 vintage postcards and memories of days gone by. <p/>From the 1870s through 1941, Roton Point Park was one of the preeminent attractions along the shores of Long Island Sound. From its shady picnic grove overlooking the water to its sandy beaches, hotel, dance floor, carousel, roller coaster, and midway rides, Roton Point attracted thousands of visitors each season. <p/>Damage from the 1938 hurricane and the start of World War II led to the park's closing in 1941, and Roton Point was divided into two private beach clubs and a public beach. Some of the old buildings remain, including the bathhouse, hotel, and gazebo at Roton Point, and the roller-coaster entry at Bayley Beach. <p/>Highlights of Roton Point: <br>?Contains recently discovered information about the steamship Belle Island, demystifying another chapter of its history.<br>?Many images have never before been published, and are from private collections.<br>?Includes rare photos of the hurricane of '38, showing some of the devastation to Roton Point park.<br>?In 1933, the Miss Connecticut title was won at Roton Point and the winner went on to Atlantic City to become Miss America that year. <p/>Available at area bookstores, independent retailers, and online retailers, or through Arcadia Publishing at www.arcadiapublishing.com or <br>(888)-313-2665. <p/>Arcadia Publishing is the leading publisher of local and regional history in the United States. Our mission is to make history accessible and meaningful through the publication of books on the heritage of America's people and places. Have we done a book on your town? Visit www.arcadiapublishing.com.<br><br><br>Title: Picture Postcard... New Roton Point Book... Rowayton Picture Perfect<br>Author: Cynthia F. Johnson<br>Publisher: Clamdigging Around Rowayton<br>Date: 6/10/2011<br> <p/>The Rowayton Library is proud to present an evening that takes us all back in time to vintage Roton Point on Tuesday Evening, June 14th at 7pm. The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing's Postcard History series is Roton Point from the Roton Point History Committee will be unveiled at this AuthorTalk/Book signing presentation. The book boasts more than 200 vintage postcards and memories of days gone by. Lisa Grant, chairperson of the Roton Point History Committee will offer a presentation on the history and images of Roton Point. <p/>From the 1870s through 1941, Roton Point Park was one of the preeminent attractions along the shores of Long Island Sound. From its shady picnic grove overlooking the water to its sandy beaches, hotel, dance floor, carousel, roller coaster, and midway rides, Roton Point attracted thousands of visitors each season. Damage from the 1938 hurricane and the start of World War II led to the park's closing in 1941, and Roton Point was divided into two private beach clubs and a public beach. Some of the old buildings remain, including the bathhouse, hotel, and gazebo at Roton Point, and the roller-coaster entry at Bayley Beach. <p/>The Roton Point History Committee is a dedicated group of members of the Roton Point Club and is charged with bridging the past and the present by collecting, preserving, and sharing artifacts and memories of Roton Point. Reception and book signing will follow the presentation. For a reservation, please contact the Library.<br>

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