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E-Finance - by Erik Banks (Hardcover)

E-Finance - by  Erik Banks (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 71.00 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>Kapitalmärkte und Finanzinstitutionen haben mit dem zunehmenden Einfluss des E-Commerce auf ihr Geschäft zu kämpfen. E-Finance ist daher ein heiss diskutiertes und komplexes Thema - Elektronischer Handel, E-Commerce Riskmanagement, B2B-Geschäfte, E-Broker, Alternative Trading Systems (ATS), um nur einige Kernbereiche zu nennen. e-Finance untersucht die sich hieraus ergebenden neuen Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Finanzbereich und gibt einen leicht verständlichen Überblick über diesen dynamischen Sektor.<br /> Dazu nimmt Autor Erik Banks die Kernelemente des elektronischen Handels genau unter die Lupe - die Entwicklung von E-Commerce Geschäftsmodellen, die Technologie und die Finanzierung der digitalen Finanzwelt. Er analysiert Finanzdienstleistungen, die man institutionellen - und Privatkunden weltweit anbieten kann und die damit verbundenen relativen Kosten. Darüber hinaus spricht er Vor- und Nachteile des traditionellen und virtuellen Banking (in all seinen Varianten) an und untersucht potentielle Wachstumsbereiche sowie mögliche künftige Entwicklungen (insbesondere im Hinblick auf Wettbewerbs- und Marktstrukturen). Zahlreiche Beispiele aus verschiedenen Ländern belegen Expansion, Fehlschläge, Erfolge und Zukunft der digitalen Finanzwelt sehr anschaulich: Schwab, Fidelity, Citibank, London Stock Exchange/Deutsche Börse/Ix, Eurex, E-Trade, Egg/Prudential, Reuters, Yahoo Finance, Virgin, Microsoft, Wingspanbank, usw. Verständlich und praxisnah.<p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br>e-Finance: The Electronic Revolution is the first comprehensive and practical attempt to chart the history, progress and future of B2B and B2C electronic financial services. It explains clearly and concisely how and why the world of retail and institutional finance has started a migration from conventional foundations to computerized, Internet-driven practices, and considers where such efforts will ultimately lead. Industry examples from different countries and markets are included throughout the book to illustrate the expansion, failures, successes, and future of electronic finance.<br> The book is aimed at a general financial audience and includes specific discussion about: <br> * the key elements that have made electronic commerce a reality, focusing on the creation and expansion of the Internet/advances in communications/computers (technology), the development of e-commerce business models (ideas), and the availability of venture capital/equity to fund growth (capital);<br> * the nature of the financial products, services and information that are available to institutional and individual customers around the world (along with their relative costs, benefits, and drawbacks);<br> * the advantages/disadvantages of traditional and virtual finance, potential areas of growth and consolidation, and the future path of the industry in a rapidly-changing environment (with a particular focus on competition and market structures).<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><b>Erik Banks</b> is a Managing Director in Merrill Lynch's Corporate Risk Management group in New York, responsible for credit/market risk technology, data, analytics and policy; prior to assuming his current role he managed the firm's market risk and crdit risk teams in London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Before joining Merrill Lynch in 1988 he worked at Citibank in New York. In addition to e-Finance, he is author of six other books on credit, risk, derivatives, emerging markets and merchant banking. He lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with his wife Milena - and their six dogs and two cats.

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