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The Airborne Toxic Event - Hollywood Park (2 LP) (EXPLICIT LYRICS) (Vinyl)

The Airborne Toxic Event - Hollywood Park (2 LP) (EXPLICIT LYRICS) (Vinyl)
Store: Target
Last Price: 22.99 USD

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Product info

In conjunction with Jollett's memoir, The Airborne Toxic Event has completed an album by the same name, Hollywood Park is a 12-song concept record drawing from themes in the book. Incorporates real audio from his family, gospel singers and orchestral flourishes from violins to timpani to horns. Illustrates dashed dreams & difficult times of childhood, as well as the confusion of an adult life spent nursing the wounds. An ultimate redemption story on finding self-acceptance and love of family. <br/>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 22.99 on October 27, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 22.99 on November 6, 2021