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Preservation and Social Inclusion - (Issues in Preservation Policy) by Erica Avrami (Paperback)

Preservation and Social Inclusion - (Issues in Preservation Policy) by  Erica Avrami (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 28.49 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>The field of historic preservation is becoming more socially and culturally inclusive, through more diversity in the profession and enhanced community engagement. Bringing together a broad range of practitioners, this book documents historic preservation's progress toward inclusivity and explores further steps to be taken.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>The preservation enterprise helps fashion the physical contours of memory in public space, and thus has the power to curate a multidimensional and inclusive representation of societal values and narratives. Increasingly, the field of preservation is being challenged to consider questions of social inclusion, of how multiple publics are--or are not--represented in heritage decision-making, geographies, and governance structures. Community engagement is increasingly being integrated into project-based preservation practice, but the policy toolbox has been slower to evolve. Recognizing how preservation and other land use decisions can both empower and marginalize publics compels greater reflection on preservation's past and future and collective action beyond the project level. This requires professionals and institutions to consider systemic policy change with integrity, sensitivity, and intentionality. <p/>Bringing together a broad range of academics, historians, and practitioners, this second volume in the Issues in Preservation Policy series documents historic preservation's progress toward inclusivity and explores further steps to be taken.<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br>Erica Avrami is the James Marston Fitch Assistant Professor of Historic Preservation at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. She was formerly the Director of Research and Education for World Monuments Fund and a Project Specialist at the Getty Conservation Institute. Avrami was a Trustee and Secretary of US/ICOMOS from 2003 to 2010 and currently serves on the editorial advisory board of the journals <i>Change Over Time</i> and <i>Future Anterior</i>.

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 28.49 on October 22, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 28.49 on November 8, 2021