1. Safeway
  2. Bread & Bakery
  3. Cookies & Bakery Snacks
  4. Bakery Snacks

Hostess Ho Hos Chocolate Cake Rolled 10 Count - 10 Oz

Hostess Ho Hos Chocolate Cake Rolled 10 Count - 10 Oz
Store: Safeway
Last Price: 2.00 USD

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Product info

Chocolate Cake, with Creamy Filling, Rolled 10 individually wrapped cakes. Hostess Quality Commitment: At Hostess we care deeply about our customers and are committed to providing you with quality bakery products. We welcome your comments and questions. 1-800-483-7253 or www.HostessCakes.com. Please have packaging available. Try Our: Peanut butter. That's how we roll. Twitter: twitter.com/hostess_snacks. Facebook: facebook.com/hostess. Instagram: instagram.com/hostess_snacks.

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 2 on October 17, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 3.29 on August 13, 2021