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A Parent's Guide to Helping Their Child Earn a Basketball Scholarship - by Ernest Wynn (Paperback)

A Parent's Guide to Helping Their Child Earn a Basketball Scholarship - by  Ernest Wynn (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 10.75 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>There are thousands and thousands of basketball players across the United States of America, worthy of playing college basketball. As a former high school basketball player, I felt that I was good enough to play on the next level.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>There are thousands and thousands of basketball players across the United States of America, worthy of playing college basketball. As a former high school basketball player, I felt that I was good enough to play on the next level.</p><p>My high school coach made that dream possible. He took me and two of my teammates to a few college basketball try-outs in my area. There was no internet, no videos, nothing to get me the necessary exposure.</p><p>I promised myself that once I became a basketball coach, I would do everything in my power to make sure my players would have a chance to play college basketball; that's when I developed a system that would accomplish that goal. This system is simple and foolproof. It really works! And with today's modern-day technology to go along with my methods...success is a given! Over the last 20 years (1998-2018), I have been successful in acquiring a scholarship or Grant-in-Aid for at least one boy or girl to play college basketball. The question isn't, "Are they good enough?", but instead, "Who knows about them?" You can't recruit a player if you have never heard about them!</p><p> Read my book! Follow my methods, and that scholarship will be there for the take! Now go get it! Good luck!</p>

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