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You, Your Child, and School - by Ken Robinson & Lou Aronica (Paperback)

You, Your Child, and School - by  Ken Robinson & Lou Aronica (Paperback)
Store: Target
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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>An essential book for parents to help their children get the education they need to live happy, productive lives from the "New York Times"-bestselling author of "The Element" and "Creative Schools."<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><b>An essential book for parents to help their children get the education they need to live happy, productive lives from <i>The</i> <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author of <i>The Element </i>and <i>Creative Schools<br></i></b><br> Parents everywhere are deeply concerned about the education of their children, especially now, when education has become a minefield of politics and controversy. One of the world's most influential educators, Robinson has had countless conversations with parents about the dilemmas they face. As a parent, what should you look for in your children's education? How can you tell if their school is right for them and what can you do if it isn't? In this important new book, he offers clear principles and practical advice on how to support your child through the K-12 education system, or outside it if you choose to homeschool or un-school. Dispelling many myths and tackling critical schooling options and controversies, <i>You, Your Child, and School </i>is a key book for parents to learn about the kind of education their children really need and what they can do to make sure they get it.<p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br>If you're worried about what will happen to your kids in school, Sir Ken Robinson is here to help. This is a clear-eyed, immediately practical guide to avoiding helicopter parenting but still playing an active role in your children's education--and ultimately their happiness and success.<br>--Adam Grant, <i>New York Times </i>bestselling author of <i>Originals</i> and <i>Give and Take</i>, and <i>Option B</i> with Sheryl Sandberg <p/>"[Robinson] offers an honest view of all the options available, giving adults the tools and insights they need to find schooling that is the best fit for each individual child. For adults who are looking for ways to use schooling to help their children achieve happy, constructive lives."<br> <i>--Library Journal</i> <p/>"<i>You, You Child, and School</i> provides common-sense advice and helpful tactics to guide parents in making the right educational choices for their children. This book will help parents tone down their own anxiety, exasperation, and worries over schooling, and make the best choices for their child, providing a far more enjoyable and productive learning experience for all.<br>--<i>Kirkus Reviews</i><b> <p/>Praise for <i>Creative Schools<br></i></b><br>"<i>Creative Schools</i> is one of those rare books that not only inspire and bring a new sense of possibility to the goal of transforming education, but also lay out an actionable strategy. Ken Robinson is leading a daring revolution to change how we understand schools, learning, and, most important, the passion and talent of our students. This is a global game changer and I'm in." <br>--Brené Brown, PhD, author of the #1 <i>New York Times</i> bestseller <i>Daring Greatly <p/> </i>"<i>Creative Schools</i> is wonderful and enjoyable. It makes us rethink what real schooling, learning, and creativity mean." <br>--Malala Yousafzai, author of <i>I Am Malala</i> and a Nobel Prize Laureate <p/> ‟Ken Robinson's <i>Creative Schools</i> offers a brilliant and compelling vision for what education must become. His powerful call to action cites wonderful examples where the education of the future is happening today. Don't miss this important book!" <br>--Tony Wagner, author of <i>Creating Innovators</i> and <i>The Global Achievement Gap </i>and expert in residence at Harvard University's Innovation Lab <p/> "Make me care. Sir Ken and Lou turn these three words into a mantra for the future of education. We don't do education to students, we do it with them. I hope every teacher and every parent reads this." <br>--Seth Godin, author of <i>Stop Stealing Dreams<br> </i><br> ‟Sir Ken Robinson has been a leading voice for radical change in education for decades. In <i>Creative Schools</i>, he not only articulately defines the problem, but also provides a practical road map for transforming the system one school at a time. Far from being a pipe dream, Sir Ken Robinson highlights educators who are leading the charge and revolutionizing education <i>now</i>.ˮ <br>--Dave Burgess, <i>New York Times </i>bestselling author of<i> Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator</i><br><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><b>Sir Ken Robinson</b>, PhD, is a global leader in educational reform and a <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author. The most watched speaker in the history of the prestigious TED conference, Fast Company calls him "one of the world's elite thinkers on creativity and innovation". Professor Emeritus at the University of Warwick in the UK, he advises governments, corporations, education systems, and some of the world's leading cultural organizations. <i>The Element</i> has been translated into twenty-three languages. <p/> <b>Lou Aronica</b> is the author of four novels and coauthor of several works of nonfiction, including the national bestseller <i>The Culture Code</i> (with Clotaire Rapaille), <i>The Element</i>, and <i>Finding Your Element</i>.

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