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Monsty the Monster Truck Stuck In the Apple Tree - by Manu Balin (Hardcover)

Monsty the Monster Truck Stuck In the Apple Tree - by  Manu Balin (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 13.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>When playful little Monsty gets stuck in the apple tree in his backyard, it is up to his family and friends to rescue him. Can any one of them find a way out or do they have to work as a team?<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p><strong>This elementary grade-schooler is playful, curious, mischievous, adorable and has four wheels -- that's Monsty, the Monster truck! </strong><br /> <br /> He lives with his parents and has amazing friends and helpful neighbors. His adventures often take him to interesting places but sometimes get him in trouble.<br /> <br /> When little Monsty gets stuck in the apple tree in his backyard, it is up to his family and friends to rescue him. Can any one of them find a way out or do they have to work as a team? </p>

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