<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p><strong>The supernatural link between angels of fire and the coming move of God's glory!</strong></p><p> </p><p><em>The angelic host has been with us from the beginning</em>. While they are not often recognized by the human eye, they have been present all along and are vital to the work of God being fulfilled in the Earth. When you learn how to recognize these unique angels and how they are operating, you will be able to participate with them to bring about the accelerated healing, restoration, purification, and all of the other end-time signs of global Holy Spirit outpouring. </p><p> </p><p><strong>Angels are preparing the way for the greatest move of God in human history.</strong></p><p><strong>Discover how you can join in with their preparation and experience this end-times outpouring today!</strong></p><p> </p><p>Candice Smithyman is a TV host, prophetic author, and supernatural minister. She carries a powerful revelation about the vital link between the <em>Angels of Fire</em>, God's end-time outpouring of glory, and how you fit into the unfolding of heaven's history-making, world-shaking agenda. </p><p> </p><p>Discover ancient truths about the angelic, such as how: </p><p> </p><ul><li><strong>Angels are Word-activated─</strong><em>not</em> by human words, but by the <em>Word of God.</em></li><li><strong>Angels help bring God's plans and purposes to pass</strong> in your life.</li><li><strong>Angels are assigned to a person at conception─</strong>often identified as <em>guardian angels.</em></li><li><strong>Angels cooperate with people, fulfilling divine assignments</strong> to see renewal and revival break out in the Earth.</li><li><strong>Angels participate in divine healing: </strong> learn how to partner with their activity while praying for the sick. </li><li><strong>Angel activity, colors, and operations in the throne room of God</strong> will stir your hunger to experience greater open-heaven encounters.</li></ul><p> </p><p>Angels will be ushering in the end-time--revival and the more we know, the better equipped we will be to participate with God as He returns.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br>Dr. Candice Smithyman is an international prophetic revivalist and healing minister who is executive pastor of Freedom Destiny Church and vice president of Dream Mentors International. She is also host of the <i>Glory Road</i> television broadcast shown on a variety of networks and hosts <i>Your Path to Destiny</i> on ISN (It's Supernatural Network). She has appeared on Sid Roth's <i>It's Supernatural!</i> among other shows, and is the author <i>of Releasing Heaven: Creating a Supernatural Environment through Heavenly Encounters</i>, along with other books and publications. For a full bio you may visit: www.candicesmithyman.com
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