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A Dictionary of British and Irish History - by Robert Peberdy & Philip Waller (Paperback)

A Dictionary of British and Irish History - by  Robert Peberdy & Philip Waller (Paperback)
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Last Price: 39.95 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>"The Dictionary of British and Irish History is a source of concise and basic information about all periods of prehistory and history for all parts of the British Isles. It provides accounts of events, definitions of terms, biographies, and overviews of major topics. Organized by alphabetically ordered headwords, it is designed both to provide instantly required information and to encourage wider learning through the careful interrelationship of entries and the provision of extensive cross-referencing. A major feature is the way it deals even-handedly with the component parts of Britain and with Ireland, often through comparable entries. The editors intend that the Dictionary will provide readers with the essentials of subjects rapidly and clearly, so that they can then tackle more detailed and discursive publications"--<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p><b>An authoritative and extensive resource for </b><b>British and Irish history</b> </p> <p>Quickly access basic information on the history of the British Isles from this reliable resource. <i>A Dictionary of British and Irish History</i> provides concise information covering all periods of prehistory and history for every part of the British Isles. Within this one book, you'll find summary accounts of events, biographies, definitions of terms, and far more. </p> <p>Using alphabetically organized headwords, readers will easily locate the content and details they seek. <i>A Dictionary of British and Irish History</i> not only serves as a reference tool, but also stimulates broader learning. Entries are interrelated and cross-referenced to help you expand your knowledge of different areas of history. </p> <ul> Discover comparable entries on England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales </li> See overviews of major topics and historical events </li> Get facts instantly or browse entries </li> Use the Dictionary as an information source or a launch point for expanding knowledge </li> </ul> <p>This reference book will become an essential resource for students of British and Irish history as well as for professionals, journalists, teachers, and those who use historical information in their work. Further, anyone wanting to establish the basics of the history of the British Isles will find this a valuable addition to their library. </p><p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br><p><b>An authoritative and extensive resource for British and Irish history</b> <p>Quickly access basic information on the history of the British Isles from this reliable resource. <i>A Dictionary of British and Irish History</i> provides concise information covering all periods of prehistory and history for every part of the British Isles. Within this one book, you'll find summary accounts of events, biographies, definitions of terms, and far more. <p>Using alphabetically organized headwords, readers will easily locate the content and details they seek. <i>A Dictionary of British and Irish History</i> not only serves as a reference tool, but also stimulates broader learning. Entries are interrelated and cross-referenced to help you expand your knowledge of different areas of history. <ul> <li>Discover comparable entries on England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales</li> <li>See overviews of major topics and historical events</li> <li>Get facts instantly or browse entries</li> <li>Use the <i>Dictionary</i> as an information source or a launch point for expanding knowledge</li> </ul> <p>This reference book will become an essential resource for students of British and Irish history as well as for teachers, journalists, and other professionals who use historical information in their work. Further, anyone wanting to establish the basics of the history of the British Isles will find this a valuable addition to their library.<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><p><b>Robert Peberdy</b> has worked as an editor for the book-packaging company Equinox (Oxford) Ltd and as a researcher and writer for the Oxfordshire office of the Victoria History of the Counties of England, a major research project of London University. He is co-author (with Antonia Catchpole and David Clark) of <i>Burford: Buildings and People in a Cotswold Town, </i> and has written papers on medieval economic history. He is also the Reviews Editor of the journal <i>Oxoniensia.</i> <p><b>Philip Waller</b> was Fellow and Tutor in History at Merton College, Oxford, from 1971 to 2008, and has been an Emeritus Fellow since then. He also served as Senior Tutor, Sub-Warden, and Acting Warden. Twice a Visiting Professor in the United States, he has lectured there on other occasions and at many British universities. He is a former Editor of <i>the English Historical Review, </i> and his publications include <i>Town, City, & Nation: England 1850-1914</i> and <i>Writers, Readers, & Reputations: Literary Life in Britain 1870-1918.</i>

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