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  3. Crackers
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RITZ Bits Crackers Sandwiches Cheese - 12-1 Oz

RITZ Bits Crackers Sandwiches Cheese - 12-1 Oz
Store: Albertsons
Last Price: 5.99 USD

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Product info

Cracker Sandwiches, Cheese, 12 Pack Cheese flavored filling with other natural. Per Pack: 150 calories; 3 g sat fat (15% DV); 135 mg sodium (6% DV); 4 g total sugars. Illumination presents minions the rise of GRU. Enter for a chance to win fun prizes! See side panel. Filling made with real cheese. Check out fun minions pack designs inside! From illumination (the studio that brought you Despicable Me, The Secret Life of Pets, Sing & Minions). ritzcrackers.com. how2recycle.info. SmartLabel. Use your phone to scan for your chance to win prizes. Or go to www.nobiscominions.com. Visit us at: ritzcrackers.com, 1-800-622-4726, please have package available.

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