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99 Prayers Your Church Needs (But Doesn't Know It Yet) - by Cara Gilger (Paperback)

99 Prayers Your Church Needs (But Doesn't Know It Yet) - by  Cara Gilger (Paperback)
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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>When the unexpected comes and words escape you, 99 Prayers Your Church Needs (But Doesn't Know It Yet) provides the prayer your congregation or pastor needs. From comfort for a family dealing with addiction, to a celebration of the new pastor, these 99 prayers will help you respond to unexpected events of your congregation's life.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>When the unexpected comes and you can't find the words to pray, 99 Prayers Your Church Needs (But Doesn't Know It Yet) will provide the starting point that will help lead you to the prayer your congregation or pastor needs. From prayers for a family who has lost a loved one to addiction, to a prayer for the new pastor in a new congregation, these 99 prayers will help you respond to a multitude of unexpected prayer requests -- whether celebratory or grieving, or somewhere in between -- in the course of your congregation's life.<br /> <br /> 99 Prayers includes blessings or prayers for: <br /> -when your pastor is facing criminal charges<br /> -those who have lost a loved one to an overdose<br /> -a member of your congregation formally changing their name<br /> -when your pastor has experienced the death of a child<br /> -when your pastor is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness<br /> -when your pastor has been arrested in a non-violent protest<br /> -your pastor's deployment as a military chaplain<br /> -a member of your congregation celebrating a milestone in sobriety<br /> <br /> Editor: Cara Gilger<br /> Contributors: Robyn Bles, Diane Faires, Shauna Flemming, Danny Gulden, Jamie Haskins, Megan Houston, Shane Isner, Stephanie Kendell, Billy Kilgore, Elizabeth King, Allison Lanza, Peter Mitchell, Ryan Motter, Suzanne Kerr Motter, Sunny Ridings, Kim Gage Ryan, Melissa St. Clair, Shanna Steitz, Arthur Stewart, Whitney Waller-Cole, Dawn Weaks, Kory Wilcoxson, Chris Wilson, Mark Winters, Selena Wright</p><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br>For more than a decade The Bethany Fellowships has encouraged young pastors in their earliest years of ministry. Research indicated 1/3 of young ministers may leave congregational ministry in their first five years. This ministry was born out of the intention of strengthening congregations by helping newly ordained, young pastors transition from seminary to sustained congregational ministry with a strong and healthy pastoral identity. Through The Bethany Fellowships young ministers are better able to navigate the beginnings of a pastoral vocation, as well as crucial young adult life transitions, building confidence and strengthening leadership. Twenty-seven graduates of the Bethany Fellowships have contributed to 99 Prayers. Editor Cara Gilger is a graduate of the Bethany Fellowships as well as a pastor and mother in Dallas.

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