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Benegas adrian - Revenant (CD)

Benegas adrian - Revenant (CD)
Store: Target
Last Price: 16.99 USD

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Product info

The Paraguayan keyboard player's solo album features the voices of Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), Herbie Langhans (Avantasia), Henning Basse (Firewind) and Zuberoa Aznarez (Diabulus in Musica, Tragul).Adrian Benegas is mostly known for being the founder of the international metal project TRAGUL, hiring some great artists to collaborate with him such as Alex Holzwarth, Oliver Holzwarth (Blind Guardian), Steve Conley, Zuberoa Aznarez and Sander Zoer. Tragul is musically an innovative band, exploring new non-traditional worlds when it comes to getting their music heard. Tragul's releases come in a unique "song-by-song" format and even with it's brief musical path, the band is recognized for it's potential. Since June 2017, the band has released 8 singles, widely acclaimed by critics. In 2019 and parallel to Tragul, Adrian started the production of his most ambitious project: a debut album, writing all the lyrics, concept and all music by himself. One very important feature of the Paraguayan's debut album is that it's a conceptual one with a profound meaning, about the tale of an unredeemed soul's journey from the depths of it's own hell to the edge of inner paradise, seeking self-realization. You can say this album gives an insight into the human journey itself, the ups and downs, finally finding the light at the end of the tunnel.

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 16.99 on October 27, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 16.99 on December 10, 2021