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Acid Vomit! - (Hardcover)

Acid Vomit! - (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 29.49 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><i>Acid Vomit!</i> is a large, full color, hardbound, coffee-table book of Sean Äaberg's artwork, featuring his original illustrations from the last twenty plus years. This vibrant monograph includes a range of Sean's styles, from initial concept sketches to completed artwork, showcasing drawings from many different published projects, and some never before seen work as well. <p/> Covering his early zine and comic work in the '90s and '00s, his conceptual work in the '00s, his work on PORK magazine and the Dungeon Degenerates board game - <i>Acid Vomit!</i> covers all the bases and then some! Sean Äaberg works to be both avant-garde and low-brow simultaneously.<p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br>Sean Äaberg follows in the lowbrow tradition of the late great Ed Roth with his own brand of uncanny psyched-out caricatures. Äaberg's cast of characters are equal parts grotesque and goofy, which he renders with meticulous detail - warts, ooze, rotten teeth and all. - Juxtapoz Magazine <p/> I love the Underground Comix meets Day-Glo posters vibe. - Tony DiTerlizzi <p/> Sean Äaberg the great Punk Artist Freak is killing it with his game! Sean's work ethic, developed aesthetic, and obvious love for fantasy illustration is further developed by his DIY roots and disciplined power! Power that is only derived from years of being in the punk community, where your credibility is gained from direct action and a committed love to what you are doing! Especially when no one cares. Sean is an inspiration of persistence to me! - Skinner <p/> "The first time I saw Sean Aaberg's artwork was for my friend's band Personal and the Pizzas. Soon after I got a copy of his magazine PORK. It's that edgy style and color that just kinda pops out at you. Sean has a great vision as an artist not only in his graphic style but his finger is constantly on the pulse of the pop culture trash we all love and hold so dearly to our hearts. I personally can't wait to see all his art under one roof in the book that in my opinion is way overdue." - Dirty Donny Gillies<br>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 29.49 on October 22, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 29.49 on December 20, 2021