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Slow Fade - by Rudolph Wurlitzer (Paperback)

Slow Fade - by  Rudolph Wurlitzer (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 15.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>With a geography as diverse as the streets of Beverly Hills and the charnel grounds of India, a Mexican beach resort and the Russian Tea Room in New York City, this is a spare, eloquent, and deeply informed novel about the world of the movies. It is a profound and utterly convincing portrait of a man whose career and life has been devoted to the manipulation of images--on the screen and at the conference table, with actors and technicians--and the story of how, at the age of 71, he tries to divest himself of illusions and make peace with his demons and his past.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br><i>"</i>Slow Fade<i> comes out of the space between real life and the movies and closes it up for good. A great book: beautiful, funny, and dangerous." --Michael Herr, screenwriter, </i> Full Metal Jacket</p><br><br><i>"</i>Slow Fade<i> may be the most traditional of Wurlitzer's novels, and the time-honored pleasures of the novel are here in abundance: a twisting and turning story about fathers and sons, power and poverty, violence and fate. Some may read it as a 'roman a clef' about certain notorious Hollywood players, but that seems rather secondary to me. Wurlitzer has fashioned a rare and wonderful thing--a deeply spiritual novel, without one whiff of incense or candle wax." --Scott Spencer, author, </i> Endless Love <i>and</i> Waking the Dead</p><br><br><i>"If you splice Rudy Wurlitzer's </i>Slow Fade<i> to his other four novels, they become a beautiful quintet, never losing their miraculous beat." --Robert Downey, director, </i> Hugo Pool <i>and</i> Putney Swope</p><br><br><i>"The return of </i>Slow Fade<i> is a fine thing. It's Rudy Wurlitzer's greatest work of fiction . . . and one of the best American books there is." --Alex Cox, director, </i> Repo Man <i>and</i> Sid & Nancy</p><br><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><strong>Rudolph Wurlitzer</b> is the screenwriter of <i>Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid </i>and <i>Two-Lane Blacktop</i>. He is also the author of the novels <i>Flats</i>, <i> Nog</i>, <i> Quake</i>, <i> </i>and <i>The Drop Edge of Yonder</i>, and the travel diary <i>Hard Travel to Sacred Places</i>. He lives in Hudson, New York.</p>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 15.99 on November 8, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 15.99 on December 20, 2021