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Immerse: Beginnings (Softcover) - (Immerse: The Reading Bible) (Paperback)

Immerse: Beginnings (Softcover) - (Immerse: The Reading Bible) (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 15.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><b>Immerse Beginnings: A Bible to read with friends</b><br/><i>Beginnings</i> is part of the Immerse Bible reading experience that takes you on a new and unique journey through the first five books of the Bible. <i>Beginnings</i> delivers Scripture as it was originally created: without chapter or verse breaks. This makes for uninterrupted reading of God's Word. Created with the look and feel of a paperback book, in the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation, <i>Beginnings</i> enables you to easily read and understand the Bible<br/><br/>As people around the world search for new ways to connect with others, <i>Immerse: Beginnings</i> is a Bible to read and discuss with friends.<br/><br/>This new edition of <i>Beginnings</i> is available for the first time wherever books are sold. <i>Beginnings</i> is one of six editions in the Immerse collection.<p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br><b>Welcome to IMMERSE, The Bible Reading Experience</b><br/>The Bible is an invitation to discover God's Story and then to step into it. So the best thing we can do is immerse ourselves in it--to read at length without distractions, with historical and literary perspective, and in a life-long rhythm with friends. Immerse is a call to a vibrant, transformative relationship with God and others through his word.<br/><br/>Immerse: The Reading Bible comes in six volumes and features the <i>Holy Bible</i>, New Living Translation, a clear and faithful rendering of God's word in contemporary English.<br/><br/><b>IMMERSE - BEGINNINGS</b> includes the first five books of the Bible, known as the <i>Torah</i> (meaning "instruction"). These books describe the origins of God's creation, the human rebellion, and the family of Israel--the people God chose to be a light to all peoples. We follow the covenant community from its earliest ancestors to the time it is about to enter the Promised Land.

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