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SweeTARTS Candy Ropes Soft & Chewy Cherry Punch - 9 Oz

SweeTARTS Candy Ropes Soft & Chewy Cherry Punch - 9 Oz
Store: Albertsons
Last Price: 4.29 USD

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Product info

Candy, Cherry Punch, Soft & Chewy, Ropes Cherry punch flavor with other natural flavors. 120 calories per 2 ropes. 1 rope 60 calories. Colors from real sources. Soft & chewy. sweeTARTScandy.com. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram: (at)sweeTARTScandy. Get in touch 1-866-793-3827. SweeTARTScandy.com. If you like these, you'll love - Sweetarts mini chewy. Tiny in size big on taste.

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