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A Handwashing Story Told with Tiny Hands - by Patricia T Prisk (Paperback)

A Handwashing Story Told with Tiny Hands - by  Patricia T Prisk (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 7.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br><p> This entertaining fairytale with correlating hand motions, will teach your child how to thoroughly wash their hands, uses 5 different hand motions. You will be drawn into a world of beauty and fun. For parents / teachers of 3-8 year olds.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>Join this ENTERTAINING FAIRYTALE, WITH CORRELATING HAND MOTIONS to TEACH your YOUNG PERSON how to THOROUGHLY WASH THEIR HANDS. As they are drawn into a world of beauty and fun, children will be washing their hands in a new and safer way.</p><p>The methods / pictures in this book support the CDC guidelines, showing you how to "be sure to lather and scrub the back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails." See "Handwashing: Clean Hands Saves Lives" cdc.gov. </p><p> Parents and teachers lead very busy lives. WE ALL APPRECIATE A SIMPLER, HASSLE-FREE WAY TO TEACH AND ESTABLISH GOOD HYGIENE HABITS. As children hear and see the story over and over, they will remember the story and as a result remember in sequence the 5 different hand motions. Hearing the story over and over again, gives them time to practice the necessary hand motions before going to the sink. "A Handwashing Story Told with Tiny Hands" is designed to be an interactive "doing is learning" experience. Included is a single page (picture review) call "Handwashing Recap" and a "Squeaky Clean Hand Certificate" as well as a "Note to Parent/Teacher" which gives additional suggestions to make THOROUGH HAND WASHING EASY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN TO LEARN. A "Lunch Time Hand Washing Protocol", designed to support preschool, elementary and special education staff, as well as a home video of the hand washing motions can be obtained by contacting Patricia Prisk at ptprisk2021@gmail.com. </p><p><br></p>

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