<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>Davis A. Young and Ralph Stearley seek to convince readers of the vast antiquity of the Earth. They point out the flaws of young-Earth creationism and counter the impression by many scientists that all Christians are young-Earth creationists.<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>Is the Earth relatively young or very old? We've all heard the controversy. The consensus regarding the age of the Earth, based on the best geological evidence, is that it is billions of years old. But many Christians believe that the Bible teaches the Earth is only a few thousand years old at best. What are we to make of this discrepancy? Geologists Davis Young and Ralph Stearley tackle this issue head-on. Thoroughly examining historical, biblical, geological and philosophical perspectives, the amply illustrated <em>Bible, Rocks and Time</em> takes a comprehensive and authoritative look at the key issues related to the Earth's antiquity.<p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br>"This book is a masterful, scholarly, engaging and readable defense of the claim that standard geology's dating of the Earth is consistent with a high view of Holy Scripture and sound Christian doctrine. Its challenge to young-Earth creationism is daunting--not only scientific but biblical, theological, philosophical and apologetical as well. It is the best book I know on this topic."--John W. Cooper, Ph.D., professor of philosophical theology, Calvin Theological Seminary<br><br>"This deeply learned book by two committed Christians is the best of all proofs that science and religion properly understood are coworkers and not antagonists. It is fair-minded, it is sincere, it is informative, and above all else it is fun to read."--Michael Ruse, Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Program in the History and Philosophy of Science, Florida State University<br><br>"What an enjoyable tour of the history of geology, the interaction between geological study and biblical exegesis, and the current field of geology itself! Professors Young and Stearley have shown us why the geological evidence for the age of the Earth is persuasive. Their love for the Bible and for the world that God made, their commitment to a biblical worldview, and their patient explanations of scientific principles are exemplary, as is their respect for those Christians with whom they disagree. Thank you, Professors, for writing such a helpful book, which I will be glad to have people read."--C. John Collins, professor of Old Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary<br><br>"This book would be especially helpful for: <ul><li>Christian college students with a major or interest in science</li><li>Pastors and youth workers who need a viable, Biblically-sound alternative to young-Earth creationism</li><li>Non-believing scientists, doctors and engineers who reject Christianity because they think faith in Christ is incompatible with science</li><li>Anyone who has an interest in the relationship between science (especially geology) and the Bible</li></ul>--The Geo Christian (geochristian.wordpress.com), September 11, 2008<br><br>"I am sorry that this book had to be written, but I am so glad that it was written and that it was done in such a splendid fashion."--Michael Ruse, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Spring 2009<br><br>"It is remarkable to encounter a scientific treatise written in a very interesting style. One should not be intimidated by its 500-page length. One geologist says: "Every church librarian should have this volume available as an essential reference." We agree and are pleased to have a book of this caliber in our collection."--Betty Waller, The Lamplighter, May 2009<br><br>"Rigorously argued and well-documented."--Marcus R. Ross, Christianity Today, April 2009<br><br>"The tone is pastoral: the authors have no interest in winning a rhetorical battle. Rather, their wish is to provide a thorough assessment of the available evidence, evaluate young-Earth creationism, and encourage those who hold an Evangelical faith with a paradigm for holding the two worlds together."--Peter Enns, a time to tear down (peterennsonline.com/book-reviews/), November 2008<br><br>"These men know what they are talking about on this subject. They have put together a nice and readable presentation of the geological evidence for the age of the earth. This book is an excellent resource for and Pastor and any Christian struggling with the issue. I recommend [parts 1 and 2] to everyone interested in the debate and how we got to the current position, especially Pastors and church leaders. Even if you don't care about the scientific details, read this."--RJS, Jesus Creed (blog.beliefnet.com/jesuscreed), November 25, 2008<br><br>"This book will prove a useful tool for scientists to explain geologic ideas to the public, and to refute the notion that accepting science necessarily means rejecting religion. It will be especially useful in communicating with evangelical Christians."--Steven Newton, Reports, 2009<br><br>"This solidly researched book would be a useful reference for anyone interested in the broader issues of the historical development of geology and why geology supplanted the traditional biblical view of Earth history. While all geologists should read this book to learn more about the history of their field, it would be especially valuable for Christian school and seminary libraries as well as university libraries with history of science and religious studies departments."--S. H. Schimmrich, CHOICE, February 2009<br><br>"Well written and comprehensive."--Hugh Henry, Stone Campbell Journal, Fall 2009<br>
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