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Critical Theory and Social Transformation - by Gerard Delanty (Paperback)

Critical Theory and Social Transformation - by  Gerard Delanty (Paperback)
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Last Price: 44.95 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br><p>This book shows how a critical theory perspective can offer new insights into our time. It also provides a succinct case for the revival of what was the original aim of the critical theory tradition, namely the link between philosophy and social research.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p><em>Critical Theory and Social Transformation</em> provides an exploration of the major themes in critical social theory of recent years. Delanty argues that a critical theory perspective can offer much-needed insights into the pressing socio-political challenges of our time. In this volume<i>, </i>he advances the need to reconnect social theory and social research and to return to the foundational concerns of critical social theory. Delanty engages with the key topics facing critical social theorists: capitalism, cosmopolitanism, modernity, the Anthropocene, and legacies of history. The connecting thread is that the topics are all contemporary challenges for critical theory and relate to major social transformations. The notions of critique, crisis, and social transformation are central to the book. </p><p>Critical Theory and Social Transformation will be of interest to the broad readership in social and political theory. It will appeal to those working in sociology, political sociology, politics, and international studies and to anyone with an interest in any of the chapter-specific topics, such as public space, memory, and neo-authoritarianism. </p><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><p><strong>Gerard Delanty</strong> is Professor of Sociology and Social and Political Thought at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. He is the author of eleven books, including <i>Inventing Europe: Idea, Identity, Reality</i> (1995), <i>The Cosmopolitan Imagination</i> (2009), <em>Formations of European Modernity: A Historical and Political Sociology of Europe</em>, <em> </em>2nd edition<i> </i>(2018). He has edited numerous volumes, including the <i>Routledge</i> <i>Handbook of Cosmopolitanism Studies</i>, 2nd edition (2018). His most recent book is <i>The European Heritage: A Critical Re-interpretation</i> (2018).

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 44.95 on November 6, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 44.95 on February 4, 2022