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Whitfield, Barrence And The Savages - Soul Flowers of Titan (CD)

Whitfield, Barrence And The Savages - Soul Flowers of Titan (CD)
Store: Target
Last Price: 12.99 USD

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Product info

2017 release. Titan is the largest moon orbiting Saturn, a planet which astrologically symbolizes pain, struggle and hard knocks on the human path to wholeness, and liberation among many other things. Soul Flowers of Titan is a collection of songs representing cosmology, struggles and influences. People shooting guns, separating, coming home (someday), in love, running around, leaving this earth, going crazy, drinking coffee, and thinking about Sun Ra. Titan's a forbidding, poisonous place with mountains, rivers and oceans of methane and ammonia, cloaked in a dense shroud of gases. The kinds of flowers that would grow there would be the hardy beasts that survived to make this strange bouquet.

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 12.99 on November 6, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 12.99 on December 9, 2021