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The Magnificent 92 Indiana Courthouses, Revised Edition - by Ira Wilmer Counts & Jon Dilts (Hardcover)

The Magnificent 92 Indiana Courthouses, Revised Edition - by  Ira Wilmer Counts & Jon Dilts (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 45.00 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>It is a story in words and photographs of Indiana's 92 county "seats."<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>During the last quarter of the 19th century, architects designed new courthouses all over Indiana and a flurry of construction began. About 60 of Indiana's 92 courthouses were built during this time. The years between 1900 and 1930 produced 23 more. By the 1970s, most of the county governments in Indiana were operating out of antiquated, crowded buildings, with a handful choosing to tear down their old structures and rebuild with new materials of glass and steel. While some counties were intent on building larger facilities, most counties were determined to maintain and restore the magnificence of the courthouses of old.</p><p>This beautiful book presents Indiana's magnificent collection of 19th century and early 20th century courthouses, their architects, and their history. It is a story in words and photographs of Indiana's 92 county seats.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br>"During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, architects designed new courthouses all over Indiana, and a flurry of construction began. About 60 of Indiana's 92 courthouses were built in the nineteenth century, but the desire to construct capitols of grace and grandeur didn't die then: the years between 1900 and 1930 produced 23 more. By the 1970s, much of county government in Indiana was operating out of antiquated, crowded buildings. A few counties simply tore down the old structures and rebuilt with a new kind of splendor in glass and steel; but most counties, while intent on building larger facilities, were determined to keep and restore the magnificence of the older courthouses."--BOOK JACKET. "In words and photographs this book depicts the present courthouses of Indiana's 92 county seats."--BOOK JACKET.<p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br><p>The Magnificent 92 Indiana Courthouses is a splendid tour through Indiana history.May 2009</p>-- "Northern Indiana Lakes"<br><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><p>Will Counts (1931-2001) was an award-winning professional photographer and Professor of Photojournalism at Indiana University. He is author of <i>A Life is More Than A Moment</i> (IUP, 1999) and <i>Bloomington Past and Present</i> (IUP, 2002). </p><p>Jon Dilts is a lawyer and Professor of Journalism at Indiana University. He lives in Bloomington, Indiana.</p>

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