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Forbidden Emotions - by Marti Murphy (Paperback)

Forbidden Emotions - by  Marti Murphy (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 7.59 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>In Forbidden Emotions, Marti Murphy unmasks what emotional health can men and shows how a surprising, slightly strange, but highly effective mind-body technique assists in creating inner freedo<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>In this groundbreaking book, Marti Murphy takes us on a deep dive into our emotional landscape. We come installed with a full palette of emotions, but our culture teaches us that some and bad and should not be felt.</p><p>Marti calls them forbidden emotions.</p><p>Emotions we tell ourselves it is not okay to fell because we learned to reject them. Hatred. Rage. Despair. Even joy. The list goes on.</p><p>What happens when you slowly feel deeper? It frees your physical body from all your suppressed emotions. You heal emotionally, spiritually, even physically.</p><p>Marti's story of how-after a client delved deeper into her emotions and negative beliefs helped heal a deadly physical ailment-is a testament to the power of feeling your emotions.</p><p>In Forbidden Emotions, Marti unmasks what emotional health can mean and shows how a surprising, slightly strange, but highly effective mind-body technique assists in creating inner freedom.</p><p>This book is real, raw, and rewarding. It is a must-read, but only if you want improved health, better relationships, and a more fulfilled life.</p><p> </p>

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