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Tempted (Hardcover) by P. C. Cast

Tempted (Hardcover) by P. C. Cast
Store: Target
Last Price: 18.46 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br> In the sixth installment of the Casts' award-winning, "New York Times"-bestselling teen vampyre series, Zoey Redbird, High Priestess-in-training, finds herself juggling three guys--one of which is so into protecting her that he can sense her emotions. <p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br> <p>So...you'd think after banishing an immortal being and a fallen High Priestess, saving Stark's life, biting Heath, getting a headache from Erik, and almost dying, Zoey Redbird would catch a break. Sadly, a break is not in the House of Night school forecast for the High Priestess in training and her gang. Juggling three guys is anything but a stress reliever, especially when one of them is a sexy Warrior who is so into protecting Zoey that he can sense her emotions. Speaking of stress, the dark force lurking in the tunnels under the Tulsa Depot is spreading, and Zoey is beginning to believe Stevie Rae could be responsible for a lot more than a group of misfit red fledglings. Aphrodite's visions warn Zoey to stay away from Kalona and his dark allure, but they also show that it is Zoey who has the power to stop the evil immortal. Soon it becomes obvious that Zoey has no choice: if she doesn't go to Kalona he will exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. Will Zoey have the courage to chance losing her life, her heart, and her soul? Find out in the next spectacular installment in the House of Night Series, <i>Tempted</i>.</p> <p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br> <p>"Cast and Cast pull out all the stops and take this story to shattering new heights with devastating consequences!" --<i>Romantic Times (4 1/2 stars)</i> <p/>"P. C. And Kristin Cast have made an absolutely amazing [YA] series. The visuals offered by this fantastic duo are entertaining and imaginative, with nonstop action.... This is easily a [YA] series that can entertain adults with action, hot Vampyres, true friendship, budding romance, a Loving Goddess, and a twist of the unexpected." --<i>HowlingGoodBooks.com (5 stars)</i> <p/>"I loved every one of the books in the [House of Night] series. Tempted is my definite favorite.... This book had me ripping through the pages." --<i>Teen review on Flamingnet.com</i> <p/>"Move over, Stephenie Meyer." --<i>People on Hunted</i> <p/>"Zoey Redbird's first-person adventures take on added danger and importance in the latest House of Night release. Forced by circumstance to grow up quickly, Zoey's emotional and spiritual evolution is fascinating. The Cast duo breathes life and vibrancy into the characters and makes each one an integral part of the saga. Awesome and unforgettable as always!" --<i>Romantic Times (4.5 stars) on Hunted</i> <p/>"The Cast duo has done it again! These ladies appear to be an unstoppable force within the world of YA literature... Teenage readers will be drawn to Zoey's everyday, angst-riddled life. Not only does she need to save the world, Zoey needs to solve some major vampyre/human boy drama. These stories are surreal, yet shockingly accurate when it comes to teenagers and their lives." --<i>TeensReadToo.com (5 stars) on Hunted</i> <p/>"Teenage issues can seem like life or death, but in this haunting series, House of Night, that's really the case. Through Zoey's eyes readers are led into a world that's getting more complicated by the minute, where friends and enemies can switch positions in a heartbeat. The remarkable Cast duo continues to build a world that you won't soon forget!" --<i>Romantic Times (4.5 stars) on Chosen</i> <p/>"This highly addicting series offers a unique twist on the standard vampyre story....These books will have the reader laughing hysterically and sobbing unreservedly -sometimes all at once." --<i>VOYA on Marked and Betrayed</i> <p/>"<i>Marked</i> is one of the best coming of age stories to come out of Oklahoma since S. E. Hinton's <i>The Outsiders</i>. It teaches about the beauty of being a social outcast, friendship, and finding your own inner spirituality." --<i>The Beltane Papers</i> <p/>"Readers will identify with many of the characters, especially the protagonist." --<i>Library Journal on Marked</i></p> <p/><br></br><p><b> About The Author </b></p></br></br> <p><b>P.C. Cast</b> is an award-winning fantasy and paranormal romance author, as well as an experienced speaker and teacher. With her daughter <b>Kristin Cast</b>, she is the author of the House of Night novels, including <i>Awakened, Burned</i> and <i>Hunted</i>. Cast was born in the Midwest, and as a girl fell in love with mythology. After high school, she joined the U.S. Air Force, then taught high school for 15 years before retiring to write full time. Cast's novels are <i>New York Times</i> bestsellers and have been awarded the Oklahoma Book Award, YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, <i>Romantic Times</i> Reviewers' Choice Award, the Prism, Holt Medallion, Daphne du Maurier, Booksellers' Best, and the Laurel Wreath. Ms. Cast lives in Oklahoma, where she is a member of the Oklahoma Writers' Hall of Fame. She splits her time between her ranch and midtown Tulsa where she has a home just down the street from the House of Night... <p/>Kristin Cast has won awards for her poetry and journalism. She also lives in Oklahoma, where she attends college in Tulsa.</p>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 18.15 on October 27, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 18.46 on February 4, 2022