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New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving - by Simon Cushing (Hardcover)

New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving - by  Simon Cushing (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 139.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>New philosophical essays on love by a diverse group of international scholars. Topics include contributions to the ongoing debate on whether love is arational or if there are reasons for love, and if so what kind; the kinds of love there may be (between humans and artificial intelligences, between non-human animals and humans); whether love can explain the difference between nationalism and patriotism; whether love is an necessary component of truly seeing others and the world; whether love, like free will, is "fragile," and may not survive in a deterministic world; and whether or not love is actually a good thing or may instead be a force opposed to morality. Key philosophers discussed include Immanuel Kant, Iris Murdoch, Bernard Williams, Harry Frankfurt, J. David Velleman, Niko Kolodny, Thomas Hurka, Bennett Helm, Alfred Mele and Derk Pereboom. Essays also touch on the treatment of love in literature and popular culture, from Graham Greene's <em>The End of the Affair</em> to Spike Jonze's movie <em>her</em>.<p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br>New philosophical essays on love by a diverse group of international scholars. Topics include contributions to the ongoing debate on whether love is arational or if there are reasons for love, and if so what kind; the kinds of love there may be (between humans and artificial intelligences, between non-human animals and humans); whether love can explain the difference between nationalism and patriotism; whether love is an necessary component of truly seeing others and the world; whether love, like free will, is "fragile," and may not survive in a deterministic world; and whether or not love is actually a good thing or may instead be a force opposed to morality. Key philosophers discussed include Immanuel Kant, Iris Murdoch, Bernard Williams, Harry Frankfurt, J. David Velleman, Niko Kolodny, Thomas Hurka, Bennett Helm, Alfred Mele and Derk Pereboom. Essays also touch on the treatment of love in literature and popular culture, from Graham Greene's <em>The End of the Affair</em> to Spike Jonze's movie <em>her</em>. <p/><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><b>Simon Cushing</b>, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan Flint, USA, and co-editor of <em>The Philosophy of Autism</em>​ (2012).

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