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Organic Crop Breeding - by Edith T Lammerts Van Bueren & James R Myers (Hardcover)

Organic Crop Breeding - by  Edith T Lammerts Van Bueren & James R Myers (Hardcover)
Store: Target
Last Price: 171.50 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> provides readers with a thorough review of the latest efforts by crop breeders and geneticists to develop improved varieties for organic production. The book opens with chapters looking at breeding efforts that focus on specific valuable traits such as quality, pest and disease resistance as well as the impacts improved breeding efforts can have on organic production. The second part of the book is a series of crop specific case studies that look at breeding efforts currently underway from around the world in crops ranging from carrots to corn. <i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> includes chapters from leading researchers in the field and is carefully edited by two pioneers in the field. <p> <i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> provides valuable insight for crop breeders, geneticist, crop science professionals, researchers, and advanced students in this quickly emerging field.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> From the Back Cover </b></p></br></br>Organic crop production utilizes different approaches and growing environments compared to conventionally raised crops to achieve production in growing systems that mimic natural ecosystems. These systems seek to employ fewer direct inputs and innovative agronomic methods to achieve this goal. This alternative approach has attracted great interest in this rapidly expanding method of crop production. <i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> brings together the latest research on the development of new varieties and cultivars best suited to thrive under organic production. It will also be of interest to those breeding in conventional systems who wish to adapt their breeding goals to sustainable low input agriculture. <p><i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> will be a useful tool to helping meet the increasing global demand for organically produced grains, vegetables, and fruits. The book is divided into two sections that logically cover the topic from foundational principles to crop-specific examples of organic breeding efforts. The opening section looks at general topics related to organic crop breeding ranging from nutrient management to disease and pest resistance. The second section looks at the applications of these principles to economically important crops such as wheat, maize, rice, potato, legumes and tomato.</p> <p>Written by a global team of the leading experts in the field, <i>Organic Crop Breeding</i> is a field-defining reference that will be of both academic and practical use.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br><p>"The editors have done an excellent job in putting together a well-organized and informative book, which covers theory, practice, issues and the latest research." (<i>Experimental Agriculture</i>, 4 October 2012)</p><br><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><b>Edith T. Lammerts</b> <b>van Bueren</b> holds an endowed chair at Wageningen University as Professor of Organic Plant Breeding and senior researcher Organic Plant Breeding at the Louis Bolk Institute in the Netherlands. <p><b>James R. Myers</b> is the Baggett-Frazier Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University.</p> <p> </p> <br /> <br />

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