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Crocus - (Poets Out Loud) by Karin Gottshall (Paperback)

Crocus - (Poets Out Loud) by  Karin Gottshall (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 27.00 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> About the Book </b></p></br></br>"These are lyrics that briefly and beautifully change our view of the world. In this effort, they do a quietly wild, beguilingly sudden work of making us rethink the ordinary before we can help ourselves, followed by the unnerving next part that hits us consequentially--we live in this world they are describing, though we had thought that we understood it perfectly well already. The best in these poems are their smallest moments, but once encountered, smallness means nothing but inspired surprise, as they have the power to alter us with unexpected ease. . . . The poems here, in sum, offer crisp language, language that speaks to new views, felt and therefore inherently worthy ways of reporting, all made forceful by strong and easy narrative guidance. The speaking of these poems throughout, even in their drama, is quiet, making everything that happens all the more unsettling as these ideas reach into us."-- Alberto R?osWhetherAligned with the mechanismwhereby the spirit is borne aloftthrough song comes againthe question: whether. And not soothedso much as opened by the boysoprano's Sanctus, what movesin the mind as the throat constrictsin sympathy, one note peeledfrom the last, fine as paper slippedfrom a garlic bulb, veined, translucent, is whether-as ifwound through the spiralingamplitude, purpled, fretted, one voice suspendedin concentration of prayer or terrorwills itself above faltering, more perfect since time mustsoon break it. And made it.Whether and by whatever impossiblearrangement of stars, harmonies, correspondences through whichthe music finds the spirit and likea blade slits and releases, circulates the questionthrough the phrase, the delicateengine-as if it matters: thesongrises, everything goes with it.The poems in Crocus take as their starting points the interioruni<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>Whether <p/>Aligned with the mechanism<br>whereby the spirit is borne aloft<br>through song comes again <p/>the question: whether. And not soothed<br>so much as opened by the boy<br>soprano's Sanctus, what moves <p/>in the mind as the throat constricts<br>in sympathy, one note peeled<br>from the last, fine as paper slipped <p/>from a garlic bulb, veined, <br>translucent, is whether--as if<br>wound through the spiraling <p/>amplitude, purpled, fretted, <br>one voice suspended<br>in concentration of prayer or terror <p/>wills itself above faltering, <br>more perfect since time must<br>soon break it. And made it. <p/>Whether and by whatever impossible<br>arrangement of stars, harmonies, <br>correspondences through which <p/>the music finds the spirit and like<br>a blade slits and releases, <br>circulates the question <p/>through the phrase, the delicate<br>engine--as if it matters: the song<br>rises, everything goes with it. <p/>The poems in Crocus take as their starting points the interior universes created by myth, art, and<br>memory, and through the exploration of these terrains create new ways of understanding the ordinary.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br>British writer Virginia Woolf wrote about the pleasures of having a room of one's own. Here, Vermont poet Karin Gottshall shows us her own sort of private place.-- "--Tracy Press"<br><br>Crocus is not leadenly preoccupied with things; rather, its desire is to open again and again to the world.-- "--Mid-American Review"<br><p/><br></br><p><b> About the Author </b></p></br></br><br><strong>KARIN GOTTSHALL</strong> was recently writer-in-residence at Interlochen Arts Academy. Her poems have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, and in many other publications. She lives in Middlebury, Vermont.<br>

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