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Van Morrison - Three Chords and the Truth (2 LP)(White) (Vinyl)

Van Morrison - Three Chords and the Truth (2 LP)(White) (Vinyl)
Store: Target
Last Price: 28.99 USD

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Product info

Van Morrison returns with his sixth album in just four years, Three Chords And The Truth. Fourteen new original compositions effortlessly encapsulate Van Morrison's sound and talents as one of our generation's most celebrated songwriters. Produced & written by Van Morrison (except If We Wait for Mountains, co-written with Don Black). Features include legendary guitarist Jay Berliner and a duet with The Righteous Brothers' Bill Medley. CD/vinyl available 10/25 via Exile/Caroline International. <br/>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 28.99 on October 27, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 28.99 on February 4, 2022