Minute Instant Brown Rice is 100% whole grain and has a rich, nutty taste and slightly chewy texture. Ready in just 10 minutes Minute Instant Brown Rice is simply precooked, then dried with nothing added but convenience. Yes that's right, it only contains 1 simple ingredient...rice which is grown in the USA. Free of preservatives, cholesterol, sodium and MSG, Minute Instant Brown Rice is also gluten free certified and non-GMO verified, so you can rest assured that our products are made with your well-being in mind. In 1/4th the time you'll have the same high quality delectable whole grain rice with the same nutritional values of long cook rice that will enhance any meal. Plus prep is flexible as you can cook Minute Instant Brown Rice on the stove or in the microwave. Get creative with meals by adding veggies, proteins or sauces to customize your rice, or cook the rice in broths/fruit juices instead of water. Instant Brown Rice is a great alterative to oatmeal in the morning and also is the right ingredient for salads, casseroles, risottos one-pan meals and even desserts. As a dependable family favorite, we are on a mission to make meals quick and enjoyable, from breakfast through dessert, so you spend less time cooking and more time enjoying! Eat Right! Now! Available in a 14 oz. box.
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