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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) And Children - by Gaetana Tonti (Paperback)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) And Children - by  Gaetana Tonti (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 15.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br>why this book? because children are Magic ...They still hold within them the Wonder of Life, the curiosity and the openness to experience life in all its nuances, with the infinite possibilities it offers. At the same time, they are very sensitive to the situations they experience and to what they feel. The process of growth and development can be at times very difficult and they can feel overwhelmed by their emotions. This book is for every child and every parent; for every Human Being who is in contact with children, and cares for their welness and for their Heart. It will help them become self-aware adults, trusting themselves and life, allowing them to be still in touch with their Magic Infinite Potential. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a healing tool that works on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels. EFT works on the energy that flows in the meridians (based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) by tapping on specific acupunture points. In addition to the tapping, the person focuses on the issue that is creating the discomfort, so to engage the system on the emotional, energetic, mental and physical aspects of it. EFT is an amazing tool to use with children, as it teaches them how to deal with their emotions, not to fear them, and how to let them go safely; it helps children to learn how to express themselves, so that they can let go of their "limiting" thoughts/emotions before they get cemented creating limitantions and blockages. In this book, that has the idea of being a small EFT manual, I discuss the basic technique, and give suggestions and indications on how to use it on emotions, physical issues, limiting beliefs and with Magic Buttons Bear. The use of EFT from a young age is a simple, effective way to help the futre adults listen to their feelings and find the best way to deal with them, not to feel overwhelmed and powerless. EFT with children brings amazing positive effects, on the personal level, in family and school environment,

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 15.99 on May 23, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 15.99 on October 22, 2021