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Circle It, Elvis Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book - Large Print by Maria Schumacher (Paperback)

Circle It, Elvis Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book - Large Print by  Maria Schumacher (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 14.99 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p>The King of Rock and Roll!!! Take a stroll down memory lane with Elvis Presley.</p><p>"Circle It" word search books read like a book and are full of interesting facts, the bold words within the text can be found in the word search puzzle on the opposite page.</p><p>UPGRADE your word search and be the one everyone wants to talk with; your friends will wonder, how did you get so smart?</p><p>Everyone will really enjoy your conversation when you say, "The other day I was reading and did you know that...."</p><p>Typical word searches are just dull lists of words, "Circle It" word search books read like a book and are full of interesting facts.</p><p>Each "Circle It" word search book has an interesting subject, like: <br /> * Muscle Car Facts<br /> * Quilting Facts<br /> * Lake Fish Facts<br /> * Dog Facts<br /> * Cat Facts<br /> * Hockey Facts<br /> * ...many many more (200+ titles)<br /> <br /> Lowry Global Media, Circle It Word Search Books are all available from your favorite online bookseller.<br /> Just search for "Lowry Global Media" to see all of our word search titles.<br /> <br /> Looking for a gift? Our books are great for anyone ages 12 to 99.</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Elvis Presley - 2<br /> Life and Career<br /> 1935-1953: Early Years<br /> Childhood in Tupelo - 4<br /> Teenage Life in Memphis - 8<br /> First Recordings - 12<br /> 1956-1958: Commercial Breakout and Controversy<br /> First National TV Appearances and Debut Album - 24<br /> Milton Berle Show and "Hound Dog" - 28<br /> Steve Allen Show and First Sullivan Appearance - 32<br /> Crazed Crowds and Film Debut - 36<br /> Leiber and Stoller Collaboration and Draft Notice - 40<br /> 1958-1960: Military Service and Mother's Death - 46<br /> 1960-1967: Focus on Films - 50<br /> 1968-1973: Comback - 58<br /> 1973-1977: Health Deterioration and Death - 74<br /> Questions Over Cause of Death - 86<br /> Since 1977 - 90<br /> Artistry<br /> Influences - 96<br /> Musical Styles and Genres - 98<br /> Vocal Style and Range - 102<br /> Public Image<br /> Racial Issues - 108<br /> Sex Symbol - 112<br /> Legacy - 114</p>

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