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Beyond the Mystical Near-Death Experience and Into the Unitive Experience - by Nancy Clark (Paperback)

Beyond the Mystical Near-Death Experience and Into the Unitive Experience - by  Nancy Clark (Paperback)
Store: Target
Last Price: 12.29 USD

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<p/><br></br><p><b> Book Synopsis </b></p></br></br><p><strong>Unitive Consciousness is the rarest and highest expression of enlightenment as shown to us by Christ.</strong></p><p> </p><p>The author of <strong><em>Beyond the Mystical Near-Death Experience and Into the Unitive Experience </em></strong>was gifted with mystical experiences, a near-death experience, and the very rare Unitive Experience which led her to the very heart of God. In her own words...</p><p>"<em>As if a door were suddenly left ajar into some world unseen before, the fullness of my essence revealed there to be no distinction between self and God. My union with God burnt like living coals in my soul, burning with unspeakable, pure love. I lived in God; I saw and understood through God. My ego was non-existent."</em></p><p>The teachings of the great mystics and saints whose lives were gifted with profound union with God insist that we have the ability to be restored to "Christ Consciousness" or in other words, Unitive Consciousness. This Consciousness is the evolutionary process and the ultimate potential of our species.</p><p>The essence of everything you will learn in these pages comes down to learning of the process to discover the mysteries at the heart of our Higher Self and not the ego self. The author draws not only upon the mystics' and saints' wisdom, but also upon her own mystical knowledge given to her during her transcendent Unitive Experience. The reader will be challenged to cross the threshold into living a soulful life, one that will realize the depths of who we really are.</p><p>The near-death experience should not be taken as an isolated event or end-point of development, but should be seen in the larger context of an <strong>Awakening event</strong> that <strong>starts</strong> the experiencer on the mystical path and our inner return to our Divine Source in consciousness.</p><p>If you have not had a near-death experience, then please allow this book to serve as your official Mystical Awakening.</p><p/><br></br><p><b> Review Quotes </b></p></br></br><br><p>"<em>The greatest truth I can share with humanity is that we have within us the very presence of God in what we call our soul</em>." This quote from <em>BEYOND THE MYSTICAL NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE AND INTO THE UNITIVE EXPERIENCE </em>is one example of the great truths flowing throughout Nancy Clark's latest and <strong><em>very </em></strong>important book. Nancy eloquently describes what I have found in my study of over 4,000 near-death experiences: We are all one, including one with God. This book is a treasure trove of inspirational spiritual wisdom. You won't want to miss this exciting book! I enthusiastically recommend this exceptional book as essential to <strong><em>everyone </em></strong>interested in near-death experiences and spiritual enlightenment."</p><p> Jeffrey Long, M.D., author of the New York Times bestselling <em>Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences and God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience.</em></p><p> </p><p>"Having had both a near-death experience and a unitive mystical experience - and having researched spiritually transformative experiences for nearly 40 years - Nancy Clark is in a unique position to share profound spiritual insights. This work is a generous, encouraging labor of love that will inspire readers to progress along the mystical path toward union with The Divine."</p><p> </p><p> Ross Kardwell, President Institute for Mystical Experience Research and Education</p><p> </p><p>"Over the years, I've greatly enjoyed visiting with Nancy and reading her books. I consider her to be a highly evolved soul with a NDE and NDE-like induced 'street cred' who has much to share. Nancy is a perfect example of why Plato recommended that teachers and leaders come from the ranks of near-death experiencers. As you will learn, she perceived <em>being invited by the Light </em>to create this new book. All the above factors have contributed to a uniquely powerful and important book that I highly recommend."</p><p> Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, SoulProof.com Greater Reality Living.com</p><p> </p><p>"Over the last decade, Nancy and I have seemed to have spiritually bonded in how we see the world and the universe. In the process, I have discovered a friend with a clear, loving, honesty and clarity in her life purpose. She lives what she writes about. She walks her talk and what she believes in. Her newest addition to her collective "spiritual energy" is her best book yet. I have fervently read every book that she has written about in her book. This book presents a loving blueprint for the heart and spirit for seekers looking for the "light within" themselves. This book is GOLD for the soul!"</p><p> </p><p> Rev. Bill McDonald, author of <em>Alchemy of a Warrior's Heart," Warrior: A Spiritual Odyssey</em> and other books; International Inspirational Speaker; & Founder of The Spiritual Warriors Ministry</p><br>

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 12.29 on November 8, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 12.29 on December 20, 2021